
  • What Do You Need to Know Before Applying for a Partner Visa to Australia?

    If you are thinking about applying for a partner visa to Australia, there is a lot of information you need to know before you get underway. You need to understand the different types of partner visas available and what information you need to provide in order to be successful. But where should you start? Types of Partner Visas Available  There are several types of partner visas available, including spouse, prospective marriage, de facto and interdependent relationship visas. [Read More]

  • How Can You Bridge the Time Gap Between a Student Visa and a Partner Visa?

    If you have travelled to Australia to study, the authorities will have granted you a special student visa. This will give you certain rights and privileges, like the right to study in a recognised institution. Over time you may have met and fallen in love with a fellow student, and maybe want to consider a future together. If your current visa is about to expire, what should you do while you apply for a partner visa? [Read More]

  • Are you sure you are applying for the right visa?

    There are a lot of reasons that you might want to visit Australia. Some people want to come and work, while others have relatives in the country who they have not seen for many years. Some people want to come for a short visit, while others are thinking about a permanent move. Whatever your reasons for wanting to visit Australia, it is important that you, first of all, find out whether you will need a visa and which type of visa would be right for you. [Read More]

  • Get help from a migration agent

    If you want to live in Australia, you must know all requirements. In this case, you are going to need a migration agent. They are professionals who can give you needed information. All you need to do is to hire a migration agent. What is the job of migration agents? Migration agents must be registered with the OMARA (Office of the Migration Agents Registration Authority). You should hire only a migration agent that is registered. [Read More]